
amazing guests, passionate & inspiring people, experts and thoughts on how to find your why and live with passion and purpose.

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Procrastination- Why You Do It, What to Do About It NOW by Jane B Burka, PhD & Lenora M. Yuen, PhD

    Do you put things off until tomorrow only to get there and then decide to put it off again? Are you one that avoids doing certain things even though you know perhaps you should be doing them?

    If it sounds like you then that’s cool, many of us, actually I would say all of us to some extent procrastinate. This may be comforting to know but what is more exciting is that there are ways to overcome procrastination.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness by James Altucher & Claudia Altucher

    Because one little Word can Bring Health, Abundance and Happiness

    James and Claudia have written this great and easy to read little book on how the power of using NO can have dramatic affect on your life and bring with it greater health, abundance and happiness.

    It certainly has made me reflect on my own situation and how by using the word ‘No’ more in my life may give me great fulfilment and satisfaction.

    I believe that the power in saying yes is just as important however as they elude in their book is that when you truly unleash the power to say ‘no’, your ‘yes’ will be much more powerful and meaningful and one that opens countless opportunities.


  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

     The Obstacle is The Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph  by Ryan Holiday

    So often in my life have I been faced with challenges and struggles and things that have just taken everything out of me. At times I have felt defeated and almost come to a point of giving up. For some things I have felt I have given up.

    Yet I am still here and still moving forward. I am still on a path searching for what it is I am here for. Looking for fulfilment in life, living life with passion. How to be free, happy and give back.

    This book is for those times you are feeling on the edge of giving in. For times you have fallen and are struggling to get up. At times the road we journey seems changed forever, at times it just seems outright blocked. (more…)

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!  by Tony Robbins

    When do you think of when you hear the name Anthony Robbins? What are your assumptions of who he is?

    Well perhaps they were like mine such as cheesy late night T.V sale dude turn to motivational crazy talker. Perhaps they are something along those lines. Perhaps even phony.

    Well I will eat my shorts, hat or perhaps something nicer like barramundi with rice, miso soup and veg. The point is I stand corrected. (more…)

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Eker

    When you read the tittle of this book what do you start telling yourself? Do you start dreaming of how cool having a million dollars would be; do you switch off and think ‘what a load of rubbish’? Do you tell yourself you don’t need anyone telling you how to be rich or perhaps think that the book is just for the greedy snobs of the world?

    What ever it is I can assure you the tittle will pull some cord within you based on all your past experiences, your beliefs and your values.

    After reading this book I realise that I have been living, breathing and experiencing the messages held within vicariously through another mentor of mine and this reading has just enhanced, reinforced and strengthened my view on the importance of having a positive wealth mindset if wealth is truly what you desire. (more…)

  • Personal Development Coach, Lifestyle design happiness, Freedom fulfillment coach, motivation inspiration transformation, passion purpose desire

    The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

    After countless referrals and recommendations I was drawn to this book and figured it must be so rich of goodness, meaning and spiritual learning’s that I simply must read it. It was a challenging read as there is simply so much depth to his messages you simply have to mull over each of his teachings paragraph after paragraph. Yet the message is simple and I can see why the book has reached so many people and had such great impact on so many lives.

    While the concept of the power of now or living in the now may not be new or may even be viewed as simple, Tolle packs this books with messages, teachings and inspirational ideas that will sure make you question your everything to a higher and more spiritual level. This is not a religious book although at times I did question it. (more…)

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