
  • Bird-by-Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott

    This is a great book sharing insights into a life of a writer and this life of Anne Lamott. Who is she? Well it doesn’t really matter does it? Who am I? This also doesn’t matter and is not the reason I write. A writer writes to feel more, to release more, to better understand life and themselves and to really tell a story.

    Starting out in our careers and our mission to success it all seems to be around chasing money and material possessions, which is fine and not a bad place to start but what does it all mean?

    I started here and many of the people I speak with and interview have also started out with this intention yet along the journey the meaning and purpose behind having material possessions becomes blurred and you discover a greater truth to life. To be happy, live with purpose, and to do what you enjoy.

    A writer’s journey is not too dissimilar to this and Anne in this book provides greater insight for all aspiring writers. To write a book that becomes a big hit, to become an overnight celebrity in the writing world to gain some level of fame or popularity may be fine as your initial intention. Again this is not a bad intention when starting out but if this all that you desire than perhaps the life of a writer is not truly what you desire.

    Sometimes the practice that we choose to allow us to excel and create a life that we desire may not be the right one. We may choose a path that we have seen others take, it may appear appealing from an external perspective yet as we dive in we may discover that its just smoke and mirrors and its truly not all that you thought it might be. Certainly if you lack true intention or purpose you may struggle with the discipline to keep going.

    Writing is one of these practices that may appeal to you but the question that you need to ask yourself is why. Why is it that you want to do this? If you can connect with a deeper reason and purpose than your perusal of this path may be pleasurable and grand. If on the other hand its for some kind of ego pleasing gain or superficial reward you may be challenged to sustain a hobby or even career within this field.

    Writing comes with its challenges and is not a walk in the park. To sit and write is tough in its own right let alone to sit and write great content that is going to be loved by an audience, that is even tougher. I like this challenge. I like to think that my message will be heard and that just by writing I might be able to inspire or encourage others.

    I know also however that just by writing I seem to help inspire and encourage myself. Writing makes me feel good and is why I sit here most mornings in front of the screen alone and with my thoughts. I love when I can get my thoughts out and somehow when I read them back they make sense, well at least to me in that moment in time.

    Writing has its joys also but you have to have reason to write. Like anything you do or attempt in life if it’s without meaning you may find the challenge of doing it even greater.

    Anne in this books shares the reality of a writer’s life as well as her tips, tricks and methods to finding greater ease in writing. She discloses how to overcome many of the challenges including writers block, mindset, managing thoughts and indeed caring not what others may think.

    When her older brother had to write a book about birds, essentially a catalogue of birds that he new nothing about he was unsure where to start. Her father, also a writer, placed his arm around his son and said, “Son just take it bird by bird.”

    The overwhelming thought of writing something is sometimes enough to stop us in our tracks from putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. Anne’s message is to just write, don’t think of the end, and just write. You story will develop, your characters will develop and your message will be found. As you progress you will be able to fine tune and discover what it is you are truly writing for and about.  

    Life is like that also, if you just take action, explore and experience life you will discover your reason and your purpose. If there is a strong motivating reason behind why you are doing it the more likely it is you’ll continue.

    Great book, have a read, certainly if writing is something you love or think you might love to do as your practice in life, whether for hobby or career this is well worth a read.

    As always please leave your comments and thoughts below and reach out to me sometime, I’d love to connect.  

    Other books by Anne Lamott



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