
  • Tim Ferris is one of my mentors and as a matter of fact his face stares at me from my vision board hanging on my wall in front of me. Why do I look at this man instead of the thousands of others that I am sure have value to offer? It’s because I admire a few very simple traits he holds and shares very openly.

    I am sure there are qualities that perhaps I don’t see and traits that perhaps don’t gel with my own but hey, that’s just life. The reason why I have many mentors and not just the one is because I can take a little bit of something from each of them to make me a little more improved.

    That is my goal in life, self-improvement, to continually learn and improve myself each day until my body escapes me or until I perhaps escape my body.

    So what are the three things I admire most about Tim?

    1.     His mission. Tim is clearly a life long learner and as such is on a mission to help, as many others become better learners also. Well at least this is the way that I see it, if not please hit me up.

    He has this powerful curiosity and intrigue towards life, which I believe he has never lost, that makes him ask questions, why, and go out and experiment himself. Without taking what he hears, reads, or sees as gospel, Tim will test things out for himself in order to prove what’s real and what’s not.

    These experiments and tests are certainly not half attempted either. He puts it all on the line; by thoroughly researching and speaking with the masters within those particular fields, he gains greater insights to help him overcome those particular barriers he faces.

    He chooses not to learn as perhaps the way we are taught, nor does he limit his beliefs as to what is possible to learn or even how quickly we can learn something.

    I believe it is through all his studies and experiments in life that has allowed him to become the expert at effective learning. Like many I’m sure is that when I read or listen to something from Ferriss I can be assured that its not merely just thoughts but more truth based on harder evidence, fact and experience. This I am sure is why he is so highly reviewed in the world especially when it comes to learning.

    2.    His Time Management Practices. Tim doesn’t appear to fuck around with his time. I like this! I believe that our time is so precious that why would you fluff around and waste a second of it.

    Tim through his podcast and his blog always shares great tips and practices on how to better utilise your time. Actually his first book, The Four Hour Work Week, is much about buying back as much of your time as you can so you can do more in life.

    This is not the primary purpose of the book but I appreciate this aspect. If you can create something, an income stream, that only requires 4 hours of your time and attention a week then that’s a great way to maximise your time. Working smarter rather than harder.

    I am sure he does have moments in his day that may seem to an outsider unproductive or wasteful but when you have the ability to spend more of your time idle, not having to hustle every single moment away, I guess that’s the benefits of creating your own lifestyle.

    If you are after some good productivity tips please check out his blog , website and podcast here.

    3.    His view towards the modern day lifestyle. Reading his book, The Four Hour Workweek, opened my eyes and changed my perspective on life as I thought. It was a game changer for me.

    For example, the idea that we can happily retire when we hit 60 or 65 is a dying belief. Why would you choose to work away your life, following the status quo, sacrificing all that you have today for a retirement fund and lifestyle when your 65?

    The truth is that when you reach that age you a going to be more restricted in your ability to have the same experiences as you could today. Your health will be reduce, it may be ok, but you certainly wont be able to enjoy travel or whatever it is you wish to do in retirement as greatly as you might today.

    Why not lead a life that gives you both. Enjoyment today, filled with many little retirements, travelling and doing what you love to do, and continuing to do this well into those typically considered retirement years.

    Our bodies and no longer physically abused by the way we work anymore so there should be no need to be put up on the shelf to wither away. If you can find something you really enjoy doing and you can make it your way of life then why not continue working beyond retirement. In this way you can have it today and tomorrow.

    Too many people have regrets in retirement wishing they lives a life more true to themselves doing what they wanted to do. My goal is to not become one of those statistics.

    4.    His ability to network. I suffer at networking, I just find it freaking hard. Not sure why, I don’t believe its confidence as much as it is my unbelievable selfish concept and greed for my own time. I know however that to be a good networker as great benefits.

    This is further reason why I admire this man, or anyone for this matter, that can network effectively. I seem to get annoyed by small talk and not only that I suck at it. And unless there is purpose to the discussion I feel that I could use my time better elsewhere. Selfish, right!

    Well this is an area I wish to work on and can thank Tim for shedding some insights on how to become better at this fine art of networking.

    5.    Bonus: There is no bullshit. Ok this is a trait of great leaders and a quality of great leadership in my opinion. It’s the ability to be authentic. I feel when I listen to Tim that he says it like it is. He has no reason to hide behind what he says and rather what you see is what you get.

    Leaders that can show themselves for who they are and not mask areas or aspects of themselves in order to protect some part of their ego or identity attract great masses of followers.

    With Tim I believe this is part the reason for his success. He says it like it is, he is humble, honest and seemingly so, down to earth. When people are integral to their work and what you see is a clear reflection of who they truly are how can you not respect them.

    This is an area that at times I struggle with and that I am sure we all do. By watching how people like Tim operate help me learn how to be more myself and not have need to cover or hide something for reasons I cannot explain.

    Being authentic is important to me and therefore is something that I constantly wish to work on. If look at all my current mentors, the ones I admire the most, even my closest friends, it is this authenticity that is the reason I do so.

    So there you have it, my little love fetish and rant about Tim is done. I can only assume you have heard of him but if you haven’t or indeed wish to discover more he is a major source of inspiration and learning’s. Oh, his podcast kicks-ass by the way- so many great interview shared there and I also particularly like the solo shows or as he calls them in-between-isodes.

    Let me know your thoughts on this post and make sure you pick up a copy of any of his books below. Until next time, peace, passion and purpose.




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