
  • Trust & Distrust – Why it is Better to Live with Trust

    Trust is an admired quality for all humankind. For leaders, trust is an absolute. We are all our own leaders in life and therefore trust must be a quality we need to learn. This includes trusting yourself, others and the universe. Not always easy.

    As I sit here and drink my green tea I trust that everything in life will be ok. If I didn’t I would likely feel more anxiety, nervousness, and pressure. These emotions are not pleasant and I don’t wish to have them. This is why I try and choose more trust.

    Trust is unlike a magnet whereby polar opposites attract. The trustworthy attract the trustworthy and conversely so, the untrustworthy attract the untrustworthy. When it comes to how you live your life and towards what it is that you desire the same is true.

    Trust yourself, trust your life, trust others and trust the universe and things will likely play out with positive effect. Yet when you do the opposite the negative consequences become highlighted.

    If someone who is considered distrusting try to befriend the trusting it is likely not to occur, or if it does- it may only be for a limited time. They will attract only those who are equally or more so distrusting.

    On the flip side- those with trust, who move towards with trust, the untrustworthy are likely to attract more people with equal or high levels of trust.

    Positive energy will always overpower negative energy and it is largely due to its ability to attract more positive energy no matter the circumstances. This relates to those with high levels of trust.

    When it comes to your own person – if you trust yourself, your opinions, beliefs, behaviors and intuition you will move along your path with greater ease. Your ability to act with calmness and confidence is raised. It is through the practice of self trust that your ability to trust is heightened.

    Trusting others is not always easy to do especially if you have been brunt or hurt before. This experience often leads to an inability to trust again or at least an ability to trust at first meeting. When you lack trust you will attract more reason to lack trust.

    The practice for us all should be to trust until we have reason not to trust. Move into a relationship with a certain level of distrust and your conscious and subconscious mind will work to make it reality. Or at least you will plant thoughts that may not necessarily be true. We know that it is through our thoughts we create our reality.

    When you have a bad experience in life it is often not the best course of action to avoid or resist life out of fear of more bad experiences. The recommended course of action should be to take the lessons and keep moving forward towards life and indeed towards what you fear.

    In this practice you will build up stronger levels of intuition. This is our ability to understand something without a conscious need for reasoning. When you have sound intuition working and that you can rely on, next time when you move towards something that doesn’t feel quite right you can with trust alter your course.

    Trust and distrust tend to only exist in our conscious and subconscious minds. With intuition it tends not to exist. Our intuition or our instincts aim to push us towards positive outcomes and move us away from negative ones.

    If you mind is full of distrust your ability to rely on your intuition will be lessened and visa versa. This is again reason why adopting a trusting mentality is more grand as it assists to build your connection with your intuition.

    I believe that when I am truly and deeply connecting with my intuition and base decision and direction in my life from it, more so than from my logic and conscious reasoning, life is more purposeful. I am beginning to believe that logic reasoning in life will lead us on a path of greater regret.

    Finally, we must trust in the universe. The universe does not evolve out of logic reasoning even though many scientists aim to create logical thought around why it does and certainly why it exists. Perhaps the universe simply evolves out of a need to change and grow.

    For whatever the case I have trust that it moves in ways only to support life otherwise why would life exist? I have trust that it is with the universe that we are all connected. There is reason why retreating into nature has amazing effects on our human spirit, it is our connecting with it.

    The world has moved away from this connection very rapidly over the last several decades and we are starting to now wake up and realize this connection once again. This connection has powers to shift energy, change and redirect lives.

    To me, what many of us do day in and day out, while it may seem like the logical thing to do, seems less and less logical. When you place trust in the ocean, place trust in the earth, the mountains, the rivers, the forests, the universe will start accepting and trusting you.

    Choose to ignore it, not out of spite, hate or other, but simply because the way our lives have grown to be lived, then the universe will ignore you. Connect with it, even just for a small part, and it will cause profound effects on the quality of your life.

    My message really is that we need to all trust a little more. Trust ourselves and our intuition, others, and the universe.

    Allow yourself to be who you are, expressing that in whichever way you desire and let your intuition be your guide. Allow others in, leave the house door open, leave yourself open and trust again in the universe and connect again with nature.

    I am positive that trust will trump distrust every time and in all aspects of life.

    Move forward, prosper and start living life with greater passion and purpose.


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