
  • Say What You Want to Say - Express Yourself Today

    Say What You Want to Say – Express Yourself Today

    Sometimes we are afraid to say what we want to say. Sometimes we put off expressing ourselves in ways we really should, could or want to.

    Who have you been meaning to reach out to? Who have you been wanting to tell that you love them? Who is it that you want to tell your story to? What is it the you want to say and how do you want to say it?

    I think today and everyday there is something more that I can say. I believe yesterday there was something I didn’t say that perhaps I could have.

    Saying what I feel and expressing who I am shouldn’t be something to be fearful of. When we are true to how we feel why live in worry about the response we receive from how we express ourselves?

    The fear of expression is the consequence that may result from the message we share. There is fear about being to open and vulnerable.

    If the feeling in the moment is one with anger, hate or resentment perhaps then should we be cautious, not cautious of the message held within yet rather the audience you choose to direct it towards. An expressed emotion is better than an unexpressed one.

    The attachment to emotions will only cause suffering and an emotion that remains unexpressed may lead to regret.

    We all need to be heard and there are many ways, art forms and tones that we can communicate our message, choose your own.

    Importantly, don’t wait to be asked to be heard because tomorrow it may be too late.

    Start today. Tell someone how much you love them, how much you appreciate them. Tell someone how you feel. Tell someone you care. Tell someone what you think about the state of the world, the deliciousness of the bagel you just ate, your passion or the thought that just consumed your mind.

    Put your thoughts into words today. I can assure you someone will listen and when they do you will be heard. Until then don’t delay, don’t be hesitant, because who you are and how you feel is a priority in life, and regret is detrimental. We all desire to be visible so allow yourself and give yourself permission to free expression.

    If you are looking to discover more in life, to create and start living towards a life that you truly desire than jump on my Discovery Call. This is a free opportunity to discover your life purpose. Life is about living so why not live it how you want. Schedule your time here today. 

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