
  • When you’ve got something you just have to do but perhaps it is not the most exciting part of my week you need to make it fun. And at the moment that’s exactly what I am doing, listening to podcasts and audiobooks while I ride around on my scooter for 3 to 5 hours.

    I just listened to one of my mentors and friend, David Wood. David bought up the idea of going first so why not record myself and share and elaborate in my own style what this all means.

    Having been following David for a few years now this certainly was not a new concept but was refreshing to hear it again.

    To me the idea of going first is the idea of connecting and interacting in society. Taking the lunge and to step up first, say hello first, taking action first in whatever social situation we face.

    I believe in this day and age many of us seem to shy away from going first. This may be because we are all too busy in life, or that perhaps technology has created ability for us to escape going first.

    Perhaps it’s a case that we attach fear to going first. We may be shy or simply cannot see the benefits to act first.

    Whatever the reason I think its important for us to take this idea and put it into action within our everyday lives.

    Like anything, start off small and build from there. I believe that by expanding our comfort zone we will really begin to notice the greater benefits of going first.

    As I mentioned I have been listening to David for many years now and have meet him and watched him at his seminars he runs and he is certainly a man that exudes this behaviour.

    He comes across so genuine and certainly has no hesitation in taking action to go first and I believe it is by going first that shows in all aspects of how he lives his life. He holds this belief so strongly that I am sure is reason for great abundance in his life.

    Going first for David I feel is all about setting precedence and becoming a leader in the social landscape that we live. It doesn’t have to be in a social interaction but can be simply by going first at anything.

    Here are some typical day-to-day occurrences that many of us put off.

    Sitting next to a person on a bus or plane, you want to say hello but you don’t.

    You walk by someone, perhaps make eye contact yet neither one smiles or says hello.

    Simple social situations yet for some reason we avoid them, we don’t make the effort to smile, say hello or even start a conversation. Most of us want to yet we just wait, we are all waiting for the other party to go first, right?

    By waiting in life we miss out on countless amounts of opportunities.

    So next time, say hello, smile, and start a conversation. You may receive some rejections, sure. You may have a fear of some kind of negative response, so what.

    But what you may find is that they just want you to go first.

    By reaching some common grounds and you may just surprise yourself were it will go. It can be as innocent and as nice as talking to your best mate or your mum.

    I just now rode past a lady mowing her lawn and we both looked at each other and so I waved and sure enough her hand went up also with a big wave and big smile. Simple connection not avoided.

    On a larger scale I have certainly stood up to the plate since listening to David and making sure I take action and go first.

    I have started toastmasters, I often say hello to people when out and start a conversation, and I put my hand up first when help is needed.

    Yet reflecting back I am sure I have shied away from many opportunities to jump in and go first and yet it is so important.

    One of the areas I am not so good at is hugging, just hasn’t been something I have grown up to do which seems strange to me because as a kid I always loved a hug. Something changed.

    However I know many people like to hug but I am usually the guy that waits and if the other person doesn’t jump out at me I don’t either.

    This week I can think of an example where I didn’t go for the hug first yet the other person was ready to receive and then on a separate occasion I went first and I believe my hug was received well.

    Actually just on a side note, hugging actually is good for us, it releases our happy chemical, serotonin, and the longer that we are in a hug the better we feel. I am sure it reduces our cortisol levels or stress hormone also which is just going to make us feel even better. More hugs!

    I try to go first. If someone needs for us to speak I put my hand up as nervous as I might be I go first. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone. If there is a cancellation at toastmasters I am the first to put my hand up and grab hold of that experience.

    This approach as creating a perception that I am myself experienced. People thing I am a kind of expert in the club. Actually the other night a guy asked me to mentor him for his second speech. Just by going first.

    There is a great sense instrument of simply by going first you can change worlds.

    Think of the first person to climb Mt Everest, the first person to jump on the dance floor, the first person to get up to wash the dishes after a party, the first person to hug, the first person to land on the moon.

    All very different activities but it amazing the precedence it creates and perception you create in others of not only yourself but also what is achievable.

    Not everyone will follow and that’s fine but just by taking that action to lead you will inspire others along the way. You will also stretch yourself to higher levels and improve yourself beyond belief. Your self-confidence will also grow.

    I have a great friend who is super keen and into bio-hacking, particularly in the arena of best diet. He tries it all and experiments with everything and over time is considerable more healthy but equally more knowledgeable on the topics.

    By diet I don’t mean an ambition to loose weight but as a means of fuelling your body correctly to allow for higher energy levels and life’s longevity.

    He has gone first and in essence chosen himself and in doing so has become an inspiration to his immediate circle of influence.

    So think about it next time you really want to do something and push yourself beyond that fear, beyond whatever is that holds you back, simply go first. It will define you and change your life, for that I am sure.

    Today I am going to make an effort to go first the experience and the opportunity it may unlock excites me.

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