
  • Many thoughts enter my head right now yet blurry are my eyes. Tired is my head. Cloudy are my thoughts. What do I summon to extrapolate on? I need the energy to find clarity. Rest is a must. However, discipline, a practice of trained behaviour, and strengthening one’s character will not be gained by taking the easy path. 

    What if I just put in another forty percent? What if I just pushed on a little bit more? Dip my toe in the water, that is just enough. I rejoice as I muster the energy to push myself that little bit further. 

    There are those things in life that we know we must focus on and that we know we can do more. To go that extra mile. Take that extra step. Whether we do this in a work scenario or for the benefit of self-improvement – making that next call, swimming that additional lap, staying awake just a little bit longer to reflect on the day that’s been and putting pen to paper. 

    Is it not easy to do more of those things we love? Don’t we often overindulge in pleasure activities? It is curious to me as to why it is harder to apply this effort and energy to those practices and activities that truly will benefit me. Yet towards guilty pleasure there often seems very little resistance. So, let me apply this motivation to those things that seem less fruitful in the short-term but that which I know will benefit me more greatly in the long term. Let me do that little bit more. 

    In good time and consistent practice, we will find a natural rhythm whereby the motivation to put a little bit more into everything becomes non-negotiable. And watch as these little things in time grow into something big.  

    Daily Journals – Thoughts, Reflections & Meditations by Leigh Martinuzzi

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