
  • I am not sure what it is in this world and I am probably not an exception however am trying to educate myself and redesign my life.

    Everywhere you turn you see busy people. People driving fast and erratically to get to the next location, people running through malls, and people just generally keeping very busy.

    My first thought is how busy could we possible be. Is being busy just something that makes sense in the world we live in today? Is being busy just a new favourite activity that makes us feel as though we are a productive member in society?

    What I know for sure is that many people in work places appear busy but when you really analyse what they do in a day, it is not much. It is simply a self-created workload to keep them busy.

    Does it make them happy? Perhaps it makes the day go quicker, not sure. I think often, certainly very often in the cooperate world, jobs are created by people who are trying to keep busy, so what do they do? They create other jobs to keep other people busy which makes them in turn also busy.

    The more systems and processes you have the more effort it is to manage, control and keep them functioning.

    In the wise words of Richard Branson, “Keep it simple, stupid”.

    So that’s one thought on being busy. The other is that people are trying to get ahead in life. We are chasing the big dream, the promotion, and the fucking status.

    We are all running around like headless chooks! I am sure one of them but have realised I must realign my values, beliefs and actions towards all this keeping busy business.

    The problem with being so busy is that you miss out on life. I remember at school I wished away days and many days of perhaps what could have been the greatest days in my life just because I wanted to get busy.

    I wanted a job, a house, a car; a lifestyle that I thought would make things great. It didn’t. Life is good don’t mistake me but that time of youth I can never get back.

    You will never get more time! You will never get more time!

    Working until you are 65 and retire only to be old, weak and most likely not in your greatest health and for what? Will you look back on those days with great joy and happiness of the services and time you gave up for that great company that your devoted your life to?
    Maybe, maybe bullshit!

    I can assure you once you retire the company will most likely not have you on a plaque on the wall with endless retirement pays being deposited into your account.

    How will you spend your time as an old man or woman? And just to note that by the time I retire is will most likely be an age of 70 or up. I am not waiting for this moment.

    I say stop being so busy. If you pretend to be busy then stop. Look at all the things you do and really assess whether they are adding any great value, if not then stop doing them and go to the beach.

    They call it the freeze test. It is were you stop yourself or even your staff and assess whether the task you are doing right now is leading you towards you ultimate goal. If not scrape it.

    Managers and CEOs of companies should look at all there systems and processes regular and really find ways to become more productive and cut out the crap. Half the workforce is probably not necessary.

    If you are just a rushing ahead chasing that promotion or money then great, go for it. But don’t forget to live along the way. Take a day off from time to time, go away for a long weekend and relax with the family.

    The other day I woke up and said to my partner, Anita, “lets go to a movie today”. On a typical workday this in my schedule was never something I would just up and do but you know what, we enjoyed it and the world did not stop, just we did, and that was something truly beautiful.

    Another thought is that if you are going to work your arse off then make sure that what you are doing you love and enjoy. If you enjoy what you do and are passion about it than it becomes unlike work, if becomes like living.

    And when you really do what you enjoy with great passion everything else just flows. And the best part is you are not giving away your time, you are enjoying each and every moment.

    Enjoying life should not be confused with being lazy.

    Just because you live for each moment and seem somewhat carefree doesn’t mean you are a sloth.

    So stop being so busy and start appreciating life.

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