
  • If you’ve never done sales before it doesn’t matter, rejection gets to us all.

    The fear of receiving a blow and having someone say ‘NO’. REJECTED!

    How embarrassing this will be. How hurtful. How insulting.

    The fear of rejection can lead to a life lived in regret.

    It can mean we miss out on a lot of opportunities because we didn’t just ask.

    People want to be asked.

    When someone rejects you or says ‘no’ to you it is just an opinion. It is just their opinion. Opinions are cheap; they are the easiest to come by resource in the world.
    Let them have opinions and move to the next person. Move to the next task or activity. Whatever you do don’t just stop. There are more to come I can assure you.

    To be rejected and cop a swift ‘no’ to the face is no easy feat but like anything requires training.

    You must build that muscle. Go to the gym and give it a work out. Go out there to be rejected. Practice being rejected daily and your rejection muscle will grow.

    Test yourself. Understand why. Why you feel rejected and hurt, why they reject you.

    Sometimes you don’t need to understand why sometimes it just means they are not ready now so move on. But if you think it will help you improve then ask why.

    Their answer may and actually most often will surprise you. It may also open the door to a different conversation, one that leads to other opportunities.

    Not that there needs to be an opportunity in every conversation as sometimes just a simple chat is reward enough.

    Don’t be afraid to ask them why.

    If you are congruent with yourself and when you ask someone for something with honesty and great authenticity it shouldn’t matter.

    Believe in yourself and what you offer.

    They may just not be in a position to accept this now however if you come across with good intention there will be no reason for an hate, anger or resentment towards you. You will get a few along the way, but the other 95% will make you feel good.

    How to start today?

    Write a list of all the things you have wanted to do. The people you wanted to ask a favour of.

    Write down activities you have wanted to do but just haven’t yet had the courage to ask yourself or given yourself permission to do them.

    Sometimes it’s the fear of self-rejection that holds us off doing certain things.

    Don’t be afraid to try something and then in doing so saying no to you. This is not failure this is simply not for you or perhaps not the right time.

    If you cannot come up with anything to practice here are a few: ask for a discount next time you’re at the shops, any shop, call it a good guy discount. See the response.

    Ask a girl or guy for their phone number. If you’re in a relationship that’s ok, don’t hide this, you can still ask. It could mean a friendship date.

    I am going to try these myself this week.

    So don’t fear rejection. Rejection is nothing to do with who you are. By fearing rejection to prolong achieving what it is you want to achieve in life.

    You wait.

    People wait all their lives and then at the end feel regret.

    Nothing could be more painful then a life or regret compared to someone today saying ‘no’ to you.

    “A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.” Bo Bennett

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