
  • Finding Your Why: How to have Passion Sex

    Did I get you with the tittle? Well let me tell you post has nothing to do with sex, well almost nothing. James Altucher is and idea machine, if you haven’t heard of this guy then your missing out, look him up and listen to his podcast “The James Altucher Show”, appropriately titled. When he talks about having a great idea he says sometimes the greatest way to create something truly unique is to have idea sex. Yes, sex of your ideas!

    So this might mean getting one already existing idea like peanut butter and gel it with another idea like popcorn and suddenly you have peanut butter popcorn. You could even go a bit more radical like the idea of the combining the Aussie meat pie with peanut butter and creating a peanut butter pie. Hmmmm… yum!

    If you take some of the craziest and greatest trends currently you might just find they were born from idea sex. Take a look at the social apps Periscope and Meerkat, these are the newest things in social media and essential combine the likes of Twitter and YouTube. You can stream live videos on the go to all those that follow you. Two very cool and highly successful apps come together to form one, you can only assume this will take off. These new apps have amazing potential.

    So then we get to my purpose and that is the idea of having passion sex, not to be confused with having passionate sex, I am simply not the best person to be giving advice on that topic. Passion sex however I can.

    The hidden why was created to help people discover their why and to live their lives with passion and purpose. Live a life true to yourself. The best way to do this is discover your passions and live true to them. Don’t go on trudging through life doing stuff that you don’t like, that includes working that job you currently work but hate. Quit and quit today! Disclaimer, I take no responsibility for outcomes when you quit. However none the less, quit!

    So how do you find your passion? Well you will have a read of my other blog posts about passion discovery and work on those steps highlighted in that article. Actually I haven’t written that yet, but will work on it and let you know. For now perhaps read this blog, its relevant and pretty helpful.

    How To Find Something You’re Passionate About

    For most of you the easiest thing to do is write down what you love. Like writing, cooking, eating, watching TV, playing squash, reading, learning languages, playing chess, cleaning, laughing, making people laugh, sleeping, painting, you get the idea.

    From there it is simply a matter of getting two of your passions and have them have sex. Just like James’s idea sex. So you might combine watching TV and painting and suddenly have the passion of painting people watching TV. There is an idea. You might take cleaning and cooking and start a company that focusing on providing customers that are passionate about cooking with really kick-ass cleaning products. Maybe start a blog or podcast. Perhaps it’s been done but who cares, do it anyway and make it unique and better.

    I like writing and self-improvement so what do I do know write about self-improvement. Actually I like talking about it to so now have just launched my podcast, interviewing people that can assist and share ideas on all that.

    I interviewed a lady the other day that unknowingly has had passion sex herself, her name is Krystle Wright, keep an eye out for that podcast episode coming out soon. She from an early age liked photography and she is also mad keen and into extreme sports. So what does she do, you guest it, take photography of people doing extreme sports in extreme locations. She now has a lifestyle that she is truly passionate about and just loves and for many of us we could only dream of living such a life.

    So there you have it passion sex disclosed. The options become limitless. I like writing and cooking so perhaps I could make a food blog or maybe I should travel to food outlets and become a food critic. I like podcasting and real estate so perhaps I could start a real estate podcast. Sure these things are being done but with a little creative thought I am sure I could find away to make it unique and find my own niche in the process.

    What can you come up with? Would love to hear your ideas so please leave me your comments. Life is about living with full passion and purpose so why not do what you love and make a career out of it.

    Find your passions and have them make sweet love! Life will be doubly sweet.







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