
  • Do You Find Yourself Always Waiting in Life? 5 Rules To Improve Your Waiting

    Do You Find Yourself Always Waiting in Life? 5 Rules To Improve Your Waiting

    I was standing in line wondering if it was worth the wait. How often do you have that feeling? I see queues everywhere! I am an impatient man and to me waiting sucks!

    There a lines everywhere, would you agree? I see them at the bus stops, at the cookie stand, at the movies, at the bathroom, I see them even when people are waiting to give away their money to pay a bill. Fucking seriously! Why wait?

    Ok, so I get that there may be some excitement that comes by waiting. I have been in queues at amusement parks and see the love and excitement on the young children’s faces as they eagerly prepare themselves for the fright of their day.  That’s time well spent. But all that time spent when these feelings don’t exist to me is wasted time. Here is what I know about waiting and this relates to waiting for your life to begin.

    #1. Waiting is just delaying what you want to eventuate.

    #2. Waiting is depriving yourself of life.

    #3. Waiting is a disrespectful use of time.

    #4. Waiting is a belief that whatever will come will give your more.

    #5. Waiting is only a step closer to the end.

    I could go on but I will refrain. I have no patience. I like to have things when I want it and the time spent getting there needs to be well used. If not, then it is the old case of sacrifice now for hopeful benefits to come. I believe in waiting we are not purposeful and this is an unwise way to use the time that we have been given.

    Think about it. When in did our ancestors wait and what did they wait for? The further you go back the more you might realise that perhaps they didn’t wait. This I can only attribute to the fact that they didn’t have all the privileges that are thrown in our face every moment these days.

    They may have waited for the rains to stop, they may have waited for the trees to bare fruit, they may have waited for new life. What they didn’t do is wait for an extrinsic factor of life in hope that it would bring them more. I feel I have to be careful in my wording here. There is no need to wait for a moment that will raise your levels happiness. Happiness is already there.

    The reason why most of us wait is for this pure reason. We want to have that feeling. A feeling of relief, a feeling of satisfaction. We want to experience a certain thing or we want to realise a certain state. Yet in waiting we delay! We may miss opportunities that could have been had by not wasting our time standing idly in line.

    I was really early arriving at the airport, the reason why I write this post. I thought about the use of time as it relates to being somewhere that I don’t need to be well ahead of time. Then the thought came to me. I checked-in. I was the first there and had no wait time at all. This was a first. Previously my thought was to arrive right before check-in closed, that way I would be saving time and cursing through the process with little delay. This is not the case.

    The longer you wait the longer the queue and therefore the longer the wait. I have found myself over and over again waiting in lines to catch a plane but on this day it was different. I got to check-in quick, wasting no time in lines and therefore allowing more time for myself. It is apparent that I had a few hours prior to boarding but those few hours were mine to have, not to be spent in a line. I can use that time with much more grace and purpose.

    Here is what to do.

    #1. Ask yourself why. Why is it so important to you to be waiting? Is there something else you could be better doing or is there something else that could get you ahead of the line?

    #2. Once you know why ask yourself, “is there a more efficient way?” Often we just follow suit, doing what the crowd does. How could you get what you desire quicker?

    #3. If waiting is a must how could you use your waiting time most effectively? It is often the case that when we wait we immediately write of the opportunities that might exist. This could include potential to network, enjoy the company you are with or doing some work. Technology allows as to get things done these days while waiting.

    #4. Check out what the successful people do. When I say successful I mean to look at those that have avoided the wait. How have they fast tracked the result? Observation is a great thing and you may just discover a few tricks.

    #5. Do you really need it? This relates to the first rule and that is the why. How by waiting will this truly make your life better? Is there something that you could be doing to better use your time?

    Time is time. We only have so much of it and we all have the same amount of time each day. How we use that time is important. Make sure you use your time to live the life you desire. Don’t wait for what you want!

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