
  • What is this really all about? Can someone really fake it until they make it?

    I have heard it a bit lately about faking it until you make it. I thought objectively it could be looked at in two ways. Like another trend at the moment ‘failing is good’.

    Some people really do live life faking it everyday. They may be dishonest. Perhaps it is that they don’t live life congruently with their true inner self, consistent with their beliefs and values.

    I believe this style of ‘faking it’ is the wrong type of practice. You try to portray something that you are not. You don’t believe in what you practice and how you behave.

    It is a mistruth and a misrepresentation of who you really are. If you try to fake it until you make it in this sense you will most likely never make it.

    When I think of these types of people I think of the words ‘dodgy’ and ‘sleazy’. However I think most are just misguided.

    We all chase the same things that everyone else wants but by being inconsistent with who they truly are sometimes these desires become even further from reach.

    Some people have bouts of success and periods of good fortune however this method is not sustainable. It will cost you.

    It will cost you in areas important to life, such as your health, relationships, love and career.

    Whenever we live without truth, without compassion, without consistency to our inner core beliefs and values we will struggle. It is far easier to live by being congruent with yourself.

    Short term anyone can fake it until they make it but it is hard to keep up the act.

    I’ve been there; I played in character that wasn’t true to myself. I struggled. I didn’t last; mind you at the start there were some good times.

    Because it didn’t feel natural, it wasn’t me entirely; it became more of a chore to keep up. While I was still myself in essence there were incongruences that existed.

    When you don’t believe in something yourself it will show!

    It doesn’t mean necessarily that what you are doing is wrong but perhaps it is just the way you go about it.

    This is were in society we often face a challenge in that not everyone is the same so not one method will suit all personalities. We don’t all come from the same mould.

    If you enjoy what you are doing but something just doesn’t feel right that perhaps all you need is a little realignment.

    If you don’t enjoy what it is you are doing, if it makes you feel weird or unnatural than let it go. Leave it behind and find your passion.

    It will be a sad day when your time comes that you look back and wish you had lived a life more true to yourself. This ranks as one of the top five regrets of the elderly or dying.

    The other side of faking it until you make it is one in which I believe that actually works. This method of faking it until you make it actually allows you to push the boundaries or your beliefs and reach further milestones.

    If you really want to do something but have no idea how to do it you fake it. Many of us would simple just stop at the roadblock and stick to what it is we know.

    We remain trapped by our own comfort. What we want to do is create an almost false belief in ourselves that we can do something; that we can achieve what we desire.

    This belief than allows us to push beyond our comfort zone into unchartered territories. It is in those initial steps outside our comfort zone that we than allow ourselves confidence by faking it, by putting on an act, to step up to the challenge and conquer.

    By consistently stepping outside your comfort zone and practicing the new art, you will experience growth.

    With perseverance, patience and repetition you learn what it is that you previously did not know and suddenly you are no longer faking it.

    I believe a lot of successful people do this. They go out there, they take action, and they just do it. Without any past experience they make themselves believe they can do it and in the process make others believe also.

    Like a child learning to walk, the first steps are always in disbelief that they will actually do it, but just by doing it they learn and suddenly they can run.

    There is no dishonesty in this way of faking it. If you are truthful and congruent to yourself it doesn’t matter what you attempt as long as you have the inner belief.

    Find mentors, read and learn, copy and paste, hang around those that you inspire to become, step out of your comfort zone and just keep on going.
    You can make whatever it is you desire, happen.

    What is it that you want to do? What are your dreams? What have you put off?

    Start today! Go out there and fake it. Fake it until you make it.

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