
  • Bringing Back Balance to Life from A Deeper Perspective of the Universe

    Bringing Back Balance to Life from A Deeper Perspective of the Universe

    The universe is a system that is essentially a play of energies in balance. As are our lives, constantly seeking to bring balance. I am not a scientist but I understand this experience and therefore wish to reflect on it as I attempt to inspire you to bring back balance into your life.

    Here is a question that I had to ask myself, “if indeed the universe is in constant balance than why is there also this constant state of expansion and how can the two coexist?” I may not have the correct answer but with my limited knowledge here is my explanation. Time and space are infinite whereas the energies that bring balance are not.

    There are two groups of energies, one that is intended for universal expansion while the other is intended for cohesion. Together therefore they bring balance. If these energies were infinite this would disallow the universe to exist in such dynamic equilibrium. As time and space are infinite things continue to expand.

    How does this relate to balance in our personal lives? This is a thought I wish to reflect on. I believe energies that exist within the universe that bring about balance exist to in the nature of the human construct. Our mind and body exist with balance from birth.

    And just as time and space are infinite and continually expanding so to do our lives. Perhaps without these two elements of time and space we would remain unchanged. Never growing, evolving or progressing. Actually on a deeper level perhaps we would never have come to exist in the first instance. Existence as we know it wouldn’t be.

    I would conclude that there is need for time and space to allow room for progression. We need to understand this concept as this relates to our lives. For us to truly progress in life as we desire we have to respect that time moves and therefore change is inevitable. We have to create space within to allow for things to evolve on their true course.

    Having a higher level of awareness will allow us to avoid any resistance to this changing nature of life and allow us to flow with it. Much of our pain and suffering that we feel in this experience is due to this resistance. I fight against time is a lost one. It’s a sap on internal energy levels that disrupts balance within causing suffering.

    This universal principle is external to our control we therefore need not try control it but rather work with it. As Paulo Coelho highlights in his book The Alchemist ithe universe conspires to help us achieve all that we desire in life. By going against the current of time we create struggle in this experience. The universe will see this has if it is something we desire and therefore help us achieve more of the same. Give up the resistance and find the flow.

    When we move with the current of time and get into flow we experience less resistance. This allows our energies within to seek greater balance. The greater balance we have internally the better our ability to stay in flow. It’s interesting to me how everything works together.

    A body and mind that is without balance finds it much more difficult to flow with this infinite nature of space and time. If a body is needing to work harder, in constantly trying to seek balance, one is less able to stay clear the on the direction to take. This conflict causes us to fall away from the flow of life.

    It causes us to step of the path that is the true journey we desire to take in life and onto other paths that aren’t aligned with our truth. The universe again sees this as something we desire and assists us by giving us more of the same. A journey in life that is not congruent with your why is one that will be with greater challenge and struggle. This is a sure recipe for less freedom, fulfilment and happiness. A regretful way to live life.

    In conclusion we must bring back balance in life. We must bring balance to our health that comes by taking at care of our mind and bodies. This can be achieved via our diets, our sleep and our level of movements both in body and mind.

    We need to bring balance to our relationships. Do not neglect them for they are key to our ability to progress with joy in all areas of our lives. We must find balance in self-expression. A soul that doesn’t express its self does not allow its natural beauty to shine, this can causes pain. In expression we create greater space within for more growth, for more progression, for more room for creative expression.

    We must find a healthy balance of learning and growth. Seek balance in what we do as far as our vocations or occupations. Find the balance in how much we give, both to ourselves and to others. The time we have is the time we have.

    If we can find balance in how we use that time we will likely be better off for it. If we can attempt to bring back balance to life I am positive this will have a profound impact on how we live life. With greater freedom, fulfilment and happiness.

    If you are interested in finding more freedom, fulfilment and happiness in your life take the opportunity to jump on the Discovery Call. Valued at $250, this is a one on one coaching session to help you define your hidden why and discover the action steps to getting your there. 

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