
  • What does your ideal life look like?

    I want you to think about it for a little bit right now. I want you to dream and see your vision. What does your idea future hold?

    What would you be doing? How would your freedom look like? What would your relationships look like, your health, your money?

    What best routines you can adopt to live your ideal life, live each day to its fullest and in doing so to live a life full of passion, happiness and satisfaction.

    One you won’t regret when you reach the end of it.

    Well I am sure there are more things I could add but here are the 6 areas I believe important to putting you on a pathway to living an ideal life.

    A life true to yourself, a life you deserve, a life without barriers.

    1. Choose yourself

    For us to live a life that is truly our own we must choose ourselves. James Altucher has written a great book called exactly that- Choose Yourself, in which he delves into this topic entirely and you can check out my book review using the link below.

    I think there is a lot of credibility to this because to be really content and happy in your own life you need to live by your own rules. You need to be congruent with who and what you really are.

    You need to put yourself first.

    It is not necessary to follow the social crowd anymore; actually I never think it was. I think you feel much more fulfilled in this life if you go out and chase it is what you want, follow your dreams and do something that you are passionate about.

    By living life with this essence you will undoubtedly provide more value to the wider world. By choosing yourself you need to believe in yourself.

    2.Work Smarter not harder

    This is one area that I’m absolute fan of and that is to work smartly in all that you do, not harder. Its all about getting the most out of the time you have, getting the best bang for you buck, the greatest return on investment you can.

    Many of us think that by keeping busy and working long hours and essentially bloody hard we will get more from life however this has to be looked at with different eyes.

    While hard work to create success is essential it doesn’t have to be complicate or wasteful.

    Tim Ferriss is a major advocate of working at an optimal level to ensure you get the maximum output with the greatest benefits at minimal efforts.

    I think sometimes we overcomplicate things meaning that we often work harder, get more stressed, become less fulfilled and rewarded for our efforts and in turn loose momentum and hope which directly affects our happiness.

    This brings me to the next point, KISS.

    Here is the link to my book review of The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss,

    3. Keep it simple stupid

    Richard Branson lives by this philosophy ‘KISS’, keep it simple stupid. We all have tendency to over complicate things, well I know I certainly can; yet the truth is that we really don’t need to.

    Design your life around your dreams and visions. What daily activities can you do that will get you to the place you want to be. Don’t overcomplicate these activities and work with as much efficiency as you can.

    I try satisfying some key areas everyday that if completed I know I will be content and satisfied at the end of the day. And with discipline, perseverance and consistency I know they will pay off. And you can make everything you do fun and enjoyable.

    Here are my themes, health, learn, write, career, fun and family. These are my rules and when consistently completed I know I stay on track to reach my dreams.

    4. Learn

    From what I understand all those that seem to live their lives true to themselves, with success and passion are continual life long learners.

    They invest heavily internally on improving themselves. In doing so they become greater everyday by a little bit more. By improving 1 precent a day each year you will be 365% greater.

    There is so much great information out there but for many of us we choose activities that provide us with more immediate reward and invest externally on how we look and feel.

    Cosmetics, buying stuff, getting a tan, drinking, watching reality TV are just a few of these time consumers and while all these activities may be fun now they provide us with no future benefits. They are more destructive then we know.

    The successful and those that now live their lives fully and with passion no that investing in themselves now pays of later. Short-term pain for long-term gain.

    5. Give back

    This is one area many of us may over look or undervalue and that is the act of giving. We get so wound up in ourselves that we often, through greed or a lack of appreciation for what we have in life, don’t give back.

    You don’t have to be rich or retired to give back either you can do it daily with small acts of kindness. Helping someone with their groceries into their car, paying someone a compliment, helping the local charity group hold a barbeque on the weekend.

    There are endless opportunities daily to give back. I believe you just start small and over time how much you give back will ultimately increase. I believe that those that give the most due to the power of the universe all receive much in return.

    Tony Robbins started by just giving one meal to one family in need and over the years he now provides over two million meals. His current challenge is to feed one hundred million people.

    I also know that the amount of fulfilment and reward that giving brings to oneself is priceless. It triggers happiness within almost like nothing else.

    “Regardless of stature, only those who have learned the power of sincere and selfless contribution will experience life’s deepest joy: true fulfillment.”- Tony Robbins

    6. Live your life with passion

    By far the most important thing to me is to live your life with passion. When your passions are that great that you no longer need an alarm clock to wake up you know you are on the right path.

    I understand that for most of us we just follow the path that has been given to us yet unfortunately it is often not the path we dream about. As kids we have so much passion for life yet as adults our passions seem to lessen and even vanish.

    I believe we all have an inner calling. We all have massive value that we can provide the world. We just need to find it. Most of us have given up the search and just accepted life. This is not the way I want to finish my life.

    By waking up each day and doing what it is that are truly passionate about, life becomes a breeze. There is no more struggles and there is no more challenge when you love what you do. Life becomes less of a chore and more of a purpose. We can all find this path, some of us just don’t choose to.

    This is the hidden why.

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