
  • 270: Leigh Martinuzzi | THY TV Why Series Part 1: What is The Hidden Why

    THY TV Why Series Part 1: What is The Hidden Why

    Goal – To Inspire You to Reconnect to Your Why

    The Hidden Why is designed to inspire and assist others to uncover their true Self. Our Hidden Why can be described as our soul, our essence or our core. It is our why. The reason we exist, our purpose.

    I believe for many of us, like myself previously, have become so conditioned or domesticated that we have over time covered our essence. We are become disconnected from our why. It is time to reconnect. It is time to remove the cobwebs and dust of the lens to allow our light to once again shine.

    It is not as simple as finding a lost set of keys might be however we do all have a WHY! This is the authentic Self that exists within each of us and for each of us is uniquely our own.  It evolves as we proceed forward on the journey of this experience of life.

    It is on the journey that is our own that we start living with greater Freedom, Fulfilment and Happiness.

    Awareness is the first step to reconnecting. We must disconnect to reconnect. To start searching within we must create the space. Life is chaotic if you let it be. The noise will not allow you to connect within. Take some time to unplug to do some soul searching.

    When you connect within your will know by the way it makes you feel. If it makes you smile that is the light. If you a clouded by darkness keep searching. The suffering that exists in our life, at whatever level, is because our light hasn’t been found. Find that light and let it overpower the dark.

    We all have greater meaning. We all deserve to live this experience as we desire. For this experience is not forever and to live in regret that you didn’t live your why would be a great waste of a life.

    Actions – Disconnect and Dream, Search Within, And Create Your Ideal Vision and State of Being



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