
  • 220: Leigh Martinuzzi | Does It Matter? A Though On Life & What's Important

    A very powerful question to ask in relation to life all the way down to the finer moment by moment situations. Does it matter? It is the subject at focus that can include bigger picture life topics or smaller task focused. Will all this matter at the end of your life?

    The answers and thoughts that are raised from this question will help you in your effectiveness in life. How? Think about what you are doing in life today. What is your main occupation or life objective and why? What is its purpose and does it matter? When you get to the end of your days why does it matter?

    It can be a hard question to ask due to the answers and truth that may arise. You may feel that what you are pursuing or progressing towards doesn’t have great purpose or meaning either to you personally or to the wider world. When you have these moments of realisation you then need to consider the alternative options and that brings fear and discomfort. This is perhaps a reason why many of us don’t ask this question.

    We are comfortable in life and things are working, at least at this time, so why upset that? Why try fix something that doesn’t seem broken? Change is difficult as it can cause certain levels of pain and suffering in the process. This is something we desire to avoid. If the answer that comes up is truth and if we can just manage to navigate ourselves through the pain however lasting it might be, there is likely greater things on the other side. Does what you are doing in life matter to YOU?

    In the moment does what you do matter? This is a great question around business activities and also around activities of your life. It can allow you to scrap tasks that are unnecessary and wasteful in time allowing you to focus on more important aspects of life. I would suggest if the action doesn’t take you towards the vision of your life or business that it does not matter. This will allow you to be more effective with your time.

    The question is also useful in helping minimise or reduce unnecessary suffering. If some cuts you off in the traffic on the way to work how do you typically react. Will that persons actions and your reactions matter at the end of you life. Most likely not! The fact is that we cause our self so much anxiety, stress, pain, and ill feelings around trivial matters like that above that in reaction cause more harm than worth. Reflect and be aware and then react with more grace.

    The consequence of how we react no only matters to our own self created level of suffering but also to others around. The outcomes can be numerous. If you act in a certain way how will that benefit you and how will it benefit others and will it matter?

    A powerful question that has many benefits. Answering this questions truthful yourself in your day to day life and about life in general can have great benefits on how you live it and therefore your created level of a peaceful and purposeful existence.


    If you are interested in finding more freedom, fulfilment and happiness in your life take the opportunity to jump on the Discovery Call. Valued at $250, this is a one on one coaching session to help you define your hidden why and discover the action steps to getting your there. Here is the link to schedule a time.

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