
  • 165: Leigh Martinuzzi| Challenge 2 Transformation: Part 2- The Final Touches to Having a Successful Challenge

    In follow on to last weeks episode, this week I discuss the finer details of my particular challenge and how I am finalising the plan of attack. In particular I discuss lead and lag measures, tracking our progress, scheduling, removing temptations and knowing your triggers, and setting rewards along the way.

    Join us at Challenge 2 Transformation here. 

    If you are joining us you too should have a starting plan – today let’s build on that. You should have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, the ultimate goal, and and some idea around the goals that will help you get there. Last week we discussed setting SMART goals that will ultimately help you accomoplish the challenge you set. If your goals are not SMART, fool proof, then they will be hard to act on and complete. Also, they should all assist in accomplishing your ultimate goal.

    We also talked about connecting with your why, your reason. What is the main motivation behind the challenge? It’s important that you have a strong why something that elicits strong emotions when you think upon it. This will vary depending on the size and intensity of the challenge.

    Next step is to the join Challenge 2 Transformation Facebook group and share your challenge. Obviously this is not going to be for everyone however I encourage you to share, if not within this group than with those people around you. When you publicly announce something it is more likely to hold you accountable in sticking to it. Also, the group is a great way to share ideas, give advice and encourage each other in achieving their goals.

    Today I want to delve into some more details. I also want to point out that how I am going about my challenge. This may not necessary be the best way nor the best method for you to take. I am basing my plan and strategy on what I have learnt, what I know works for me, and what I believe will give me the best chance of success this time around.

    Support in life is sometimes what we need to have breakthrough moments. This relates to all aspects of life. One key reason why we continue to make mistakes and make the same mistakes is that we don’t know exactly how to make those fundemental behavioural changes. Even with all the resources, tools and information we still fail, support helps overcome those hurdles.

    Lag measure vs lead measures. The lag measure is the ultimate goal while the lead measures are the smaller, actionable goals that will take you towards the ultimate goals. Being that this is a personal challenge those actions should be actionable by you. I discuss details and examples of my led measures in this episode as they relate to me achieving my challenge – Healthy Mind and Body.

    Tracking. Monthly plan and weekly schedules. I will update and upload the Challenge 2 Transformation to include a tracking sheet and scheduler that you can use if you like. The reason we track our progress is to encourage us on continual action. It also is a great way to assess our progress when things aren’t going well. This may mean some readjustment etc.

    Triggers. These are those associated behaviours. If you are trying to break a habit you will need to remove all temptations. This includes changing those things you may do that you associate with the behaviour in charge. It may also mean removing all those tangible temptation from your environment. If you are trying to implement new behaviour this may mean removing another activity to help create the time needed for the new behaviour.

    Rewards. Its important to rewards yourself along the way. This can be smaller weekly rewards to larger monthly rewards. A rewards so be positive towards your ultimate goal not counter productive. If you are giving up drinking a big night on the booze is not the best reward.

    Do what works for you. If you have suggestions that may assist me or anyone else  in the challenge please share at the Facebook group Challenge 2 Transformation here. 

    Get ready. Get Committed. Get Involved. Get Excited. Have Fun.

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