
  • Book Reflections| Soul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited Abundance

    Soul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited Abundance by Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha and Adam Markel


    I open my heart to the deep well of happiness inside me.

    I release the illusions of my smaller self and connect with my bigger self instead.

    I realise I can be more and achieve more.

    I see the Buddha in me and in others.

    The more I read the more I discover how popular the East meeting the West is becoming. This book is one of them. Soul Over Matter delves into Eastern techniques and principles that can help us heal our soul and in doing so allow us to create more abundance in business and in life.

    I fell immediately in love with many of the authors thoughts. The principles were also great however some are very new to me. I felt at first that they were strange and this is because they are not practices that I have grown up with or experienced. Techniques such as chanting and tracing for example.

    The key message in this book is that when your soul, heart, mind, energy and matter join as one then you will have success – “Shen Qi Jing He Yi.” This follows from the four sacred phrases for success in all aspects of life including your relationships, finances, business, health and intelligence. Here they are:

    1.     Qi Dao Xue Dao – When blood arrives, energy arrives

    2.     Yi Dao Qi Dao – When energy arrives, consciousness arrives

    3.     Xin Dao Yi Dao – When consciousness arrives, heart arrives

    4.     Ling Dao Xin Dao – When heart arrives, soul arrives

    The authors explain that the reason why some people have greater success than others can then be attributed to blockages within Shen Qi Jing – soul, energy and matter.

    I interpret this best as they helped describe as that our Shen (soul, heart, & mind) are the root cause to all life. Energy is the functions which I feel are the way we do things – our behaviours. And Jing (matter) is our infrastructure or as it relates to oneself is our body.

    This almost feels like its common sense to me but yet so insightful and thought provoking. If our body is damaged on not in peak operational capacity our success will be limited. That explains why health is paramount. If our energy or the way we behave or do things is incorrect this will directly affect our reality, our success. And if our soul, heart and mind, which they describe the root to all success, is tainted with impurities all aspect of our life may suffer.

    Once they explain these phrases and how they relate to our life they then delve into how to clear those blockages with specific focus on clearing the soul first. They discuss more deeply then I have read before that of Karma and share techniques on how we can remove past negative Karma and make way for positive Karma.

    They also share 10 practices to help clear Jing Qi Shen blockages to help manifest greater abundance as it relates to our finance. These are also very insightful and relate to all aspects of our life. However, I will live some of the hidden treasures within this book for you to explore.

    The best way to describe the value of this book and what you can expect to obtain is greater understanding as to why, and I quote, “the roots create the fruit.” This is that what’s below the ground or invisible, creates what’s above the ground or visible. If I can remain focus on healing and moulding my soul, heart and mind may I live with greater peace and success.

    Powerful stuff! If you are really up for some new insight and awareness into how we truly do form our reality this is a fantastic read.

    If this book sounds of interest you can purchase Soul Over Matter: Ancient and Modern Wisdom and Practical Techniques to Create Unlimited Abundance here.

    Please leave your thoughts, comments & questions below.

    Peace, passion and purpose…

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