
  • Book Reflections| NLP: Your Map to Happiness, Confidence and Success by Neil Shah

    NLP: Your Map to Happiness, Confidence and Success by Neil Shah


    “In life you are given a bag of moments. You don’t know how many of those moments you have. Learning NLP is about maximising those moments.” Richard Bandler


    Neuro-Linguistic Programming, what the hell is it and how does it work? Well without being an expert here is my simple explanation of what it is. It is basically our ability to use language to affect, change and develop our neurology and in doing so our programming or behaviour. By changing our behaviours we can change our reality.

    To me NLP makes sense and is perhaps not as complex as I perceive. Like any subject matter that you are unfamiliar with, it is only through learning and knowledge that improve your familiarity to a point when initial complexities and perceptions are removed and changed.

    If wisdom is the ability to have many multiple perspectives on life and reality then your ability to remain open to all learning’s, opinions, beliefs and views within this universe is an important one.

    If you are open to NLP you may just discover a transformational process and system of psychological techniques that can help shift your perception on reality and therefore how you operate within it. On the flip side you may just decide it’s a load of rubbish- you be the judge.

    This book is a simple beginners insight in to the fundamental basics of NLP. For someone like myself with limited understanding I found it to be a good start. Am I still a little baffled by it all? Yes. However my fascination, curiosity and interest for the subject have been amplified and I wish to further my knowledge in this arena. This is why reading is so grand; it can lead you on paths and through doors that previously did not exist of open.

    In this book Neil hopes to assist us to develop new habits of behaviour and thought to help us succeed in all areas of our life. With the techniques shared within we can also aim to influence others by better understanding them.

    Throughout the book Neil gives simple explanations to help us better understand certain aspects and techniques and uses case studies and ‘practice now’ sections to help further imbed our knowledge. Do I feel like an expert? No, however I certainly gained some useful insights into the world of NLP.

    Our reality is made up simply of our perception of it and it is said that as humans we can never really know reality. This might sound a little far out or spiritual but if you think about your world, life and reality – what is it really? And how does it differ from the person next to you?

    It is only through the language that we use and our developed neurology that this life we lead has come about. If this is indeed true can’t we aim to affect our perception on reality by affecting our beliefs, thought and behaviours? Absolutely we can!

    We also understand that the entire universe all works within major systems and subsystems and while they may all interact differently and at varying levels it is impossible to break total connection. Life as we know it, works to collaborate together in order to achieve a balanced level of harmony.

    By using our five senses combined with appropriate use of language, self-directed visualisation practices, and other mind commands we can work to change our thought patterns, change our beliefs and behaviours and indeed our reality. The universe in all its ecology, systems both internally and externally, will work with use to create equilibrium in our lives that are more satisfying and fulfilling.

    If you choose to read this book, expect to gain deeper insight and understanding into NLP. Also expect to learn some simple practices that you can incorporate into your life to better enhance your reality.

    The greatest take-out for me was my improved understanding and while the practices were insightful I feel there is much more to them than what has been illustrated in this book. Great work Neil.

    Until next review, you know what to do. Create more passion and discover more purpose and truly connect with your hidden why. Peace, passion and purpose.

    If this book sounds of interest you can purchase Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP): Your Roadmap to Happiness, Confidence and Success here.

    Please leave your thoughts, comments & questions below.

    Peace, passion and purpose…

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