
  • 278: Book Reflections | Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations by Dan Ariely

    Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations (TED Books) by Dan Ariely

    If you are looking for insights behind human motivation you will benefit from reading this book. Dan Ariely addresses the topic beautifully. Whether you seek greater self-motivation or wish to improve the motivational influence you have on others at the work-place or in your personal life this book will help you “think more deeply about the effects of your approach.” 

    Over the years partly in experience and partly in learning I have certainly become more motivated towards most areas of life. I feel that motivation to act has mostly come easily to me and perhaps it’s a by-product of my lack of patience. I just want things to happen quickly when I set my mind on something. I think just as quick as I act which on occasions can get me in trouble.

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    Whatever the case I am highly motivated and many of the concepts and ideas Dan shares within this book I can relate. His research mostly revolves around the motivation aspects of the workplace however much of the findings relate specifically to the individual. These insights at some level relate to us all and may even give clues into how we can better live life.   

    Perhaps the most remarkable insight for me was how driven we are by intangible and emotional forces. The thought that money is a key motivating driver is not the case. As are many of the tangible things we may believe that motivate us.

    I also learnt that there are two levels of motivation. There are motivators to push us to act initially and then on the next level there is motivation to sustain the act. To get us to first act it is usually the desired or perceived results that will come from the act while the ability to sustain the action derives from the intangible aspects of the experience.

    This is why I believe not matter on what you seek to achieve or do day to day or in life in general if you don’t find beauty in the work itself you will be unable to sustain it. Inject passion into what you do even if what you do isn’t that enjoyable and you can enhance the experience thus allowing you to continue to do what’s required to progress.

    Here are a few other important takeaways from Dan’s work.

    Find meaning with what you do. If there is a greater purpose that you can actually acknowledge you will have more motivation. If what you do lacks meaning you will lack drive.

    When you are invested you are likely to be more greatly motivated. This is multifaceted yet important. Dan shares the example of how one is more motivated towards their own child than that of another’s. When the work is your own your investment will be greater and likely the meaning will also be raised.

    A human need for a sense of connection. Motivation will be enhanced by our ability to be with love. A powerful emotion of the human kind is love. When there is lacking of quality relationships and love we will find our ability to propel forward in life is hampered.

    Does death impact your motivation? We all have some desire to leave a legacy. Death can be a hard topic for many to discuss or even think upon but for those that do might find greater motivation. Life is short and for this reason I wish to live it as fully as I can and in a way that honours my Self and those that I love as best I can.

    Dan Ariely touches on the critical aspects of motivation however as the human condition is highly complex he perhaps only begins to break the surface behind our deep motivation. A fantastic read and well worth reflecting on.

    I believe if you feel a lacking of motivation in life you need to shake things up. You need to make change. Life is motivating when you live it truthfully to your authentic self. Life is motivating! Discover your WHY and I guarantee you that you will discover greater motivation.

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    If this book sounds of interest you can purchase Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations (TED Books)here.

    Please leave your thoughts, comments & questions below.

    Peace, passion and purpose…

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