
  • So, I shall bring back my morning routines. The ritual and study of philosophy. The routine of morning exercises, both physical and mental. The ritual of meditation. This will be a thing of both morning and night. What a better way to start and end the day that is aimed towards improving character and oneself.

    The workday and daily activities can be draining, and this may sway one from getting into good practice, particularly in the evening. Think of the reward. Think of the reward both in the short-term and long-term. How does that look? An evening of thanking the body with some light exercise. An evening of thanking the mind through reflection and clearing one’s thoughts. As we pull apart daily thoughts and practice some gratitude how much greater will we rest at night? Reading a good book could be a welcomed treat for what is better than learning in life. Perhaps one of the greatest gifts as humans we have and, yet one of those things we often take for granted.

    Self-indulging activities have a time and place, a reward of light entertainment to wind down I suppose is okay. Perhaps a little chocolate. A simple life. A life that has a focus on self-improvement. Not active. Not inactive. Not showing off. Not wasting away. A life that appreciates and grasps all that is possible and all that we could achieve. A life focused on building character. Not one focused on an accumulation of possessions or wasteful experiences that have no greater value of benefit now, or in time…

    Daily Journals – Thoughts, Reflections & Meditations by Leigh Martinuzzi 

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