
  • Remove The Thorns Holding You Back - Invest In Your Personal Development

    Remove The Thorns Holding You Back – Invest In Your Personal Development 

    To really begin the journey of life and understanding what it all means you have be ready to commit to your own transformation. Firstly, this requires the ability to break free from your self-caused suffering. The more you are suffering the harder it is to proceed. This doesn’t mean you need to be free to proceed and progress. Freedom is created in the work itself.

    Imagine for a moment you had a terrible big thorn in the bottom of your foot. If you’ve had one of those before you will know of the pain it can cause even without walking on it. Now imagine you had to walk 1000 meters with that thorn in your foot. The pain would be immense and the suffering would distract you away from any magic that may come about in the moment.

    Suffering is like having a thorn in your foot. It hurts. It distracts our focus from greater things. It will stick around until we pull it out and remove it. That is the nature of suffering.

    If there are things holding you back, limitations, beliefs, inner critics, addictions, confidence or fears, let me remind you that you are not alone. We all have thorns. We all suffer to some extent that in effect limits our progression towards the life we truly desire.

    I believe life is a gift and how we live it is a choice. We can choose to continue to struggle through life, walking with these thorns, causing our pain and restricting our movement, our focus, or we can do the work to get rid of them. Sometimes it’s a matter of focusing on one thorn at a time.

    Thorns slow us down from really living an authentic life, no matter who your are or what level of success you have or think you have. Some thorns we simply must tolerate as they arrive knowing that as time passes they will vanish all on their own. Our bodies are good at rejecting unwanted foreign material as is a mind that is aware great at removing unnecessary suffering.

    To remove all the suffering in this world would be the impossible yet we can start. Take action, move forward with courage and effort, help each other remove the throne and progress united. The outcomes we achieve are dependant on the effort we commit to.

    It is important to not allow suffering to stop us from action. The victim mentality holds many people back from improvement. Improvement will come if you start the process, if you begin your transformation. Invest in yourself. Invest in others. Give willingly where you can.

    Some thorns are easily removed while others may stick around for some time. Stay committed, keep pushing forward an know that through personal transformation you will become ever more greater. You’ll become a thorn removing master. 

Suffering is released in awareness and awareness comes about in personal transformation. Let yourself evolve, learn and grow and choose to free yourself of suffering. Choose freedom and ultimate happiness.

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